Friday, January 30, 2009

Awesome News!

The Zrii meeting in Medford with 10 Star Founding Executive Tyler Daniels on January 28th was a great experience! I never had the opporunity before to attend a live presentation with anyone on that level.

Here are some amazing facts Tyler shared that I will pass along:

Zrii currently has 65,000 distributors, which brought in a total of $43 million in sales during the first year of Zrii (which started pre-launch and shipping product in Oct 2007). We expect to do over $150 million in sales this year. We launched in Mexico just 2 weeks ago, and will also laungh in Japan, Australia, and Israel this year.

At the time Tyler got into Zrii, he was not even remotely interested. He was a top distributor for another company, doing very well, with a completely passive income of $20k/month (meaning, if he turned off his phone and did nothing, he would still earn $20k/month). Someone persuaded him to go and meet with Bill Farley and just talked to him about this new company Bill was interested in starting.

At the time, Tyler had no idea who Bill Farley was. He walks in there and looks at Bill and says, "you know, I don't think you understand how much it would cost to start a company like that - are you sure you can afford this?"

Bill gathered that Tyler had no idea who he was and so he asked him, "well, have you ever heard of Fruit of the Loom?" Of course Tyler had. "well," says Bill, "I own that. How about Christian Dior? Gitano? Dan Post? Acme?" As Tyler continued to nod, Bill admitted to owning all of those as well. He created these companies, one after the other, and made them all into billion dollar brands. In fact, his financial advisors suggested to Bill that what he was proposing to do now would be a pretty small investment compared to the scale he had been doing.

"Well then," Tyler wanted to know, "why would you be interested in MLM?" Bill explained how a few years earlier, he had bid on a company called Herbalife for $700 million. Someone else outbid him, and got it for $750 million. In the next 3 years, Herbalife became a $3 billion company, and Bill realized if he had won that bid that he personally would have made $2 billion.

Then it happened that one day Bill was visiting with Dr. Deepak Chopra, who had been a personal friend of his for 25 years, and he asked him, "if there was one thing I could take for the rest of my life to benefit my health, what would that be?" Deepak told him, "Amalaki". The idea for Zrii was born. Bill Farley had the money and the resources and put together a team of the leading medical doctors and Ayurvedic doctors to come up with a unique synergistic formula that would draw both on the wisdom of 5000 year old Ayurvedic medicine, as well as modern medical research, and unlock the power of Amalaki to its full potential.

Tyler was so impressed with Bill's plans and so confident he would carry them out that he immediately resigned his position with the company that was paying him $20k a month and walked away from it... to spend three months of $0 income while Zrii was still in the development stages and did not even have its product yet. His patience was rewarded. Bill placed one Master Distributor, Jason Domingo, at the head of the company, and Tyler is one of only 3 people who is front line to Jason.

Zrii began shipping product in October 2007, and Tyler made 8 Star Executive in 90 days. Now, after barely a year, he is making over half a million per year. By comparison, a doctor who goes to 8 years of medical school, gets buried in student loans, must deal with malpractice insurance, work horrible hours, take on more patients than they can reasonable handle and rarely see their family - makes an average of $160/year. Tyler's check last month was $43,000 and it goes up by $1000 or $2000 every month. And that is just the unilevel pay, not all the bonuses). Tyler logged into his back office right there at the meeting and showed us all the checks he's been getting. And for all this, he worked a grand total of 4 days last month to earn that $43k - if you call flying around and doing a few meetings "work".

Unlike so many companies that promise you more freedom to spend time with your family and do the things you enjoy, and then turn around and pressure you to be on the phone all day or out beating the bushes to continually bring in more people until you don't have a minute left to call your own - here is a real live example of how MLM can and does work.

So, if Tyler is making this kind of money, what would he be doing in Medford, OR? Well, one of his personally sponsored members has a small group up here that is trying to grow. Tyler simply wants to help Bonnie build her other leg, so the intent is, he plans to come back here every month and capture this market and then move right on up the west coast to Portland, then Seattle, etc. He does not care if you are in his downline or not - because with the All Star Bonus he is earning 3% on everyone in the company anyway. What is more, he understands what is so valuable - by helping the small people get started, he can ensure that they too will have a chance to earn a nice check, and they will be happy and stay with the company - and when that happens, Tyler's check will not go away for a long, long, long time. Smart thinking, I would say.

Another important point Tyler made - one you hear companies repeat so often, "the timing is perfect". Well, don't they all say that? Maybe, but they may keep on saying it long after that window of opportunity has passed.

The field of liquid nutritionals is huge - leading econonomist Dr Paul Zane Pilzer expects it to top $1 trillion by next year! So, companies spring up all over the place. What happens may be demonstrated with a simple S curve model. A lot of companies may have a good idea or product - but at the bottom of the S is a point of critical mass, and then the momentum explodes, traveling up the S until it reaches a peak or stabilization at the top.

Where most companies fail is they don't have the resources to keep up when they hit that momentum. Zrii has all the resources it needs. Right now, with 65k distributors, selling $43 million of product the first year, it is set to literally explode over the next 2-3 years. Bill Farley's goal is to make it a billion dollar, worldwide company within 5 years - and he will do it.

Compare, for example, Mona Vie, which has become a very successful an popular company. Mona Vie sold $28 million their first year. After 4 years, they now have 1 million distributors, who sold $1 billion of product last year. Mona Vie is at the top of the S, in their stabilization phase.

Where Zrii sold $43 million with 65,000 distributors, they have all that momentum just ahead. and are poised to add nearly a million more distributors over the next 2 or 3 years.
Plus, with Zrii's incredibly fair unilevel comp plan with dynamic compression and a wide range of bonuses, there are going to be a lot of people who will make a lot of money with this company in the next few years. Will you be one?

Check out

Expect Success!

Brenda Tippin
New Horizons Enterprises

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